Head Start Supports the Whole Family

posted 1/20/20 -- How can Head Start support you?

Families new to Head Start may be surprised by everything offered by the program. LCCAA Head Start serves the entire family beginning with the above question.

The answers are documented in a Family Partnership Agreement (FPA) designed to meet each family’s unique interests, goals, strengths and needs.

The process is relationship driven. No two families are alike, so no two FPAs are alike. Creating their FPA provides families opportunities to identify and set goals, and create a plan for achieving them.

Staff assist families in defining goals, discussing action steps and identifying and celebrating milestones.

FPAs are driven by what the family wants, not necessarily the program’s beliefs about what parents should do. A trust-based relationship is important because the process is comprehensive.

This means any aspect of life could be examined if relevant to helping them to reach their objectives. Consideration is given to areas such as health, housing, legal needs, etc. All activity is guided by the family’s interests.

Family service workers and home visitors start the process with everyone working together for the best outcome for the family.