Percentage of Income Payment Plan allows eligible residents to reduce their energy bills to a percentage of their income and avoid crisis situations.
Once enrolled, PIPP customers must make their regular payments in order to remain on the program. Staying current also earns PIPP customers credit toward arrearages.
Pay your bill on time and in full!
In order to enjoy all the benefits of the PIPP Program, you must stay current on your bills. Pay the PIPP amount on time and in full each month.
Paying on time and in full will eliminate your old balance or arrearage.
If you pay on time and in full for 24 months in a row, your entire arrearage is forgiven.
You must live at or below 175% of the Federal Poverty Line and you must report any changes in income as soon as they occur. Failure to do so may result in being removed from PIPP.
Your PIPP amount is based on your income.
If you have both gas and electric bills, you will pay 5% of your income to each company. If you heat with electric, you will pay 10% of your income. The minimum amount is $10.
If you miss a payment, you need to make it up as soon as possible.
Missing payments will impact your ability to have your arrearages forgiven and could result in a termination. However, if you make up any missed payments by your Anniversary Date, you will still be able to stay on PIPP.
Your Anniversary Date and your Reverification Date may not be the same.
Your Anniversary Date is the day you originally enrolled in the program. It does not change. Your Reverification Date may change. It is one year from your last visit to LCCAA. For example, if you enroll in the program on July 15, your Anniversary Date will always be July 15. If on Nov. 15 you visit LCCAA for any reason (winter crisis help, to report an income change), your reverification date becomes Nov. 15. Both dates are printed on your bill each month.
If you are on PIPP, you can still get bill payment assistance during the Winter Crisis period if you are in termination. You are NOT eligible for bill payment assistance during the Summer Crisis period. However, you may be eligible for an air conditioner if you have not received one in the last three years and are current with your PIPP account.
If your income increases so much you can no longer be on PIPP, you may be eligible for Graduate PIPP.
Graduate PIPP Plus gives residents 12 months to pay off any remaining arrearages with your utility company. If you qualify, call immediately because the 12 months begins as soon as you are removed from PIPP.
If you move and close your account but still have a balance, you may be eligible for Post PIPP.
Customers will have 12 months (from the time they discontinue service with the utility) to earn credits toward their outstanding balance by making payments to their former utility. For every payment of 1/60 of the outstanding balance, the customer earns a credit equal to 1/12 of the outstanding balance. You can sign up for Post-PIPP when you call to cancel your gas and/or electric service. Your utility company can enroll you in the program.
Pay your bill on time and in full!
If you get a bill you can’t pay, call us right away and we will look for other resources that may be available to you. Don’t ignore it!
Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST
440-245-2009 or toll free 1-888-245-2009
Lorain County Community Action Agency
936 Broadway Avenue
Lorain, Ohio 44052-0245
This website is partially supported by grants from the Office of Community Services within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Community Services.