Five Earn Early Childhood Credential

posted 4/7/20 -- Five staff members renewed or received their Child Development Associate (CDA) credential since January.

Early Childhood Service Workers Brenda Towner and Tracy Bailes from Hopkins-Locke and home-based teacher Sabrina Osborne completed their CDAs through the CDA Council for Professional Recognition’s Amnesty Renewal program.

Two more Early Childhood Service Workers completed a CDA training program through the University of Cincinnati. Alicia Rosa from Griswold and Shayna O’Neal were finalizing their credentials when Ohio schools closed for the COVID-19 crisis. They both received scholarships from TEACH Early Childhood Ohio.

The CDA is a nationally recognized and most widely accepted early childhood credential. It is considered the “best first step” in an early childhood professional’s career.

To receive the CDA, candidates need at least 480 hours of professional work experiences. They must complete 120 clock hours of formal early childhood training and a professional portfolio showing their skills and knowledge.



They also must complete an observation by a CDA Professional Development Specialist and the CDA Exam.