Frequently Asked Questions
about the LCCAA Rent Assistance Program


Q: Do I have to be past due?

A: Yes, this program is only for those who are behind on their rent. You can be behind by one day and qualify.

Q: I am way behind on my rent. How far back can you pay? 

A: We can pay any rent incurred since April 1, 2020.

Q: Is there a limit on how much rent assistance I can receive?

A: No. The benefit is equal to your rent.

Q: Will you cover late fees?

A: Late fees may be covered with supporting documentation from the landlord.

Q: If I apply and withdraw my application, can I still get help if I need it later?

A: Yes. You will have to submit a new request. Your withdrawn request will be closed and ineligible for further processing. 

Q: What is my deadline to apply?

A: Several rounds of funding have been disbursed. The program is expected to continue at least through 2022.

Q: Does my landlord have to participate? 

A: Yes. Payment will be made directly to your landlord. They will need to provide a W-9 and verify the amount you owe for each of the three consecutive months being paid. The landlord must also agree in writing that no eviction proceedings will be taken for the months being paid. Landlords also have the option to decline to participate. You are encouraged to let them know you made an application and to expect a LCCAA employee to contact them.

Q: How much will you pay? 

A: The amount will vary by client based on the rent amount documented in the client's lease agreement.

Q: What if I am facing eviction? 

A: When you apply, include your case number or hearing date and your application will be given priority.

Q: How will I know the status of my application?

A: You will receive emailed status alerts as your application moves through processing. Upon completion, you will receive an email confirming the amount paid to your landlord.

Q: What if I don’t have all the documents to apply?

A: You have the option of indicating you will FAX your documents or drop them off in our drop box at 936 Broadway Ave. in Lorain instead of uploading them. This will buy you a little time. You need to make getting the documents a priority as applications awaiting documentation will be passed over for processing until all required documents are submitted. In fairness to others, including those facing eviction, we cannot hold funding. This means that applications submitted after yours may get approved and funded before yours. Move as quickly as possible to get the required documents to us so we can get you the most timely help possible while we still have funding. 

Q: Why can’t I talk to someone at Community Action by phone?

A: Our funding puts limits on staff and other operating costs. The staff being paid out of the grant have been directed to processing applications to get checks out to landlords as quickly as possible.

Q: Is this the only rental assistance in Lorain County?

A: No. For a list of current programs and services, contact the 2-1-1 help line or visit