More Grandparents Raising Grandkids

posted 7/19/22 -- LCCAA Head Start knows families in Lorain County have many different structures with the potential to provide enriching environments for children.

LCCAA’s 2022 Community Needs Assessment showed that more than a quarter of all children under five in Lorain County live at or below the poverty level, meaning they are eligible for Head Start.

More than six percent of the children in the county are being raised by their grandparents, the assessment found. That equals 4,233 children.

LCCAA Head Start Director Shauna Matelski, Ed.D. said the statistic is somewhat surprising and very important.

“We’ve always had grandparents, but it’s quite eye opening and substantial,” she said. “We need to remember those families sometimes function differently. They need different kinds of help and accept help in different ways.”

Head Start Family Engagement staff works to engage grandparents with events and activities especially for them and by making sure they are included in all regular activities.

“We work to make sure our communications are addressed to “families” and not just “mom and dad,” Matelski said. “We want all family members to feel welcome and comfortable in our classrooms.”

Head Start is now recruiting for 2022-2023. Click here to start your child’s application.