Summer Crisis Program Sees Record July

posted 8/9/24 -- Lorain County Community Action Agency’s Energy Services staff provided record levels of help in July. The Summer Crisis Program continues through Sept. 30.

The team served 445 clients for the month which is more than the entire Summer Crisis Programs from the years 2015 to 2020, said Bobby Taylor, Director of Planning and Community Services. Prior to the pandemic, the program typically ran from July 1 to Aug. 31.

Advocates dispersed $64,364.85 in direct, bill payment assistance. The previous high for July was $37,090.72 in 2014 and the previous high for any Summer Crisis month was $44,654.46. Additionally, 140 air conditioning units and 154 fans were distributed in July.

Energy Services Coordinator Shaniya Rowell thanked her five-person team for all they do to serve and empower Lorain County residents in need.

“This just goes to show how hard the team works and the rising need for assistance,” Rowell said. “Everyone works diligently and with integrity. I can’t express the amount of appreciation I have for them.”

Rowell’s Assistant Coordinator Shanna Philion added: “The team has really stepped up and proven their dedication. Times seem tougher than ever and they’ve wasted no time jumping into action to serve customers.”

The annual program provides eligible households with a one-time benefit to assist with electric bills, central air conditioning repairs and air conditioning units and/or fan purchases. The primary qualification for the program is a gross annual income at or below 175 percent of the Federal Poverty Line ($54,600 for a family of four in 2024).

Residents at that poverty level qualify for help if they also meet at least one of the following criteria:


  • At least one household member is age 60 or over.
  • A household member has a documented medical condition worsened by extreme heat.
  • Their electric service has been disconnected or they have received a disconnect notice.
  • They are trying to establish new service.
  • They are enrolling in PIPP Plus for the first time.
  • They are an existing PIPP customer in default.


Benefits remain at levels expanded during the pandemic. Customers of regulated utilities can receive up to $500 in assistance. Customers of unregulated utilities can receive up to $800. Eligible clients can also receive up to $1,500 for central air conditioning repairs.

Residents who have not received an air conditioner from LCCAA in the last three years can request a unit. Electric box fans will also be distributed. Residents who have received air conditioners in the past three years may be eligible for a fan. Distribution of air conditioners and fans will be subject to availability.

Appointments are required for this emergency program. Appointments must be made online and will be conducted over the phone. Make your appointment by going to our website:

Limited in-person services are offered at three locations in the county. Walk in services are open only to seniors at the Lorain County Office on Aging (LCOOA) at 534 Abbe Road South in Elyria Mondays through Friday. The office is open from 8 to 11 a.m. and from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Those 60 and over who are not comfortable making an online appointment may walk in during those hours.

Anyone may walk-in at the Second Baptist Church, 427 Chapman Lane, Elyria on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the same hours. No appointments are needed at this site.

In Wellington, appointments are required to be seen on Fridays at the LCOOA office at 105 Maple St. Call 440-731-2640 to make one.

Secure drop boxes are available at all locations for required documents.

Required documentation includes:


  • Income information for all household members 18 years of age or older for the last 30 days;
  • Any member reporting “no income” must complete a no income form and additional documentation may be requested;
  • Proof of citizenship for all household members;
  • Most recent electric and gas bills;
  • Proof of medical condition if applicable (documentation signed by a licensed physician or registered nurse practitioner).


For a complete list of countable income, please visit our website. The program will run through Sept. 30 this year.

Additional information may be required. Please visit or call 440-245-1870 during business hours if you have questions.