Keep Building on Fall Success

posted 1/9/20 -- Halfway through the school year…OH MY! It’s hard to believe we are halfway through the 2019-2020 school year.

Parent and teacher conferences just occurred in December and parents were able to view report cards and learn where children are exceeding or meeting expectations as they progress in their skills and development.

The report card gives teachers and you a baseline of where your child started the Head Start program this school year. Your child’s growth and development will be measured throughout the school year and results will be shared at future conferences and home visits.

You may be asking yourself: “What should I do with the information shared at my child’s conference?”

Every child’s first and most important teachers are the family members who nurture their development and learning.

You play a vital role in developing skills at home, through having conversations with your child, allowing your child to practice self-help skills (getting dressed, zipping coat, etc.), assigning simple chores and tasks, reading with your child and through play experiences.

Head Start provides each family with a list of school readiness activities you can do at home. Turn in your completed activity log each week and use what you learned at conference to help select the most beneficial activities.

Together, as partners we can work together to develop your child’s skills, which will lay the foundation for future school success.