How to Start a Conversation with Your Child's Teacher

posted 9/14/19 -- Head Start families are busy getting into a new routine and schedule, and so are teachers.

As teachers get to know children and their families, they will be asking questions and sharing information. These conversations are the first steps to building strong relationships that lead to school success.

Talking to teachers is also a great opportunity for parents. They can share important information and insights and play an active role in their child’s learning.

Here are four ways parents can start a good conversation with teachers that many parents find helpful.

“I am concerned about…” Start with something that has been on your mind. Your child’s teacher may share your concern. Working together means your child gets the individualized instruction Head Start is designed to deliver.

“What do you see as my child’s strengths?”  Conversations with teachers do not need to be just about struggles. Focusing on your child’s positive aspects keeps you and your child’s teacher equally centered on your child’s greatest abilities and qualities, too.

“Do you have any suggestions about…”  You know your child best; however, the teacher might have some ideas on how you can help your son or daughter in class. Asking for suggestions lets the teacher partner with you on your child’s learning and growth.

“I’ve noticed that my child responds to…” Share your perspective with teachers and provide information that could be helpful to how your child behaves in class. Teachers welcome such tidbits and your child’s day at school will likely be better.